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Win a CosmoGrill Pro Deluxe barbecue

1 prize to be won!

he pinnacle of outdoor culinary excellence: the CosmoGrill Pro Deluxe 5 Gas Burner. Crafted for the discerning grill aficionado, this masterpiece redefines outdoor cooking with its unmatched performance, durability, and style. quipped with four robust stainless steel burners boasting an impressive 10 kW of sheer grilling power, and complemented by a side burner delivering an additional 2.5 kW, this grill is a force to be reckoned with. But that's not all - the true marvel lies in its versatility. Each burner can be effortlessly adjusted and ignited individually via the Piezo ignition, granting you the freedom to cater to a variety of meats and vegetables simultaneously. 

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 24/04/2026.


CosmoGrill Pro Deluxe 5 Gas Burner x1